God, Gods, Goddesses, Angels, Demons, Spirits and Life- What Do You Believe?
God, Goddesses, Angels, Demons, Spirits and Life -
What Do You Believe?
So many different beliefs, stories, myths, history and questions. We all believe in something. Our world and it's constant fascination with the occult and witchcraft, vampires and werewolves, demons and angels at war, myths of Zeus and Poseidon, stonehenge and pyramids, Aztec's and Nostradamus, we show the ideas and beliefs of their actual possibility are flickering somewhere within.
Everyone believes in something. Perhaps there is something in everyone's religion and beliefs that in actuality might show they are all bits and pieces of ONE - Is it possible each is just it's own chapter in a much bigger book of life!?!
If we believe in a hereafter and an afterlife of any kind - then we must also believe there is only one hereafter that we all believe in! There isn't a different one for each religion - there is only one - I don't care if you believe in your spirit coming back or that St Pete will meet you at the gate or if you believe you will burn in fiery hell - it is one and the same - it is from the point of death to your body that your soul advances to a hereafter point -
My Bible is comprised of ancient writings from the libraries of the Pope of the Catholic Church and were commissioned to be put together as a Bible by King James, which is why it is called The King James Version. They went through innumerable ancient writings and chose which writings they wanted to include in the Bible and which they would leave out! An example would be the writings concerning Jesus as a child.
Other writings which were not included are "The Dead Sea Scrolls", writings contained in the Catholic Bible, the Hebrew Bible, and other religious books. Some of the writings in these books are actually different translations of the same actual writing.
Leaders of Religions teach these books and just as society in a whole has evolved and changed over the years, so have religions - evolution in teachings for daily living, but basics always remain the same. Do you have faith that you are learning your life's lessons and living your life here to secure a better afterlife for your soul? Or are you not feeding your soul and your faith? Are you letting your spirit wither and harden in preparation for an afterlife of hell?
Perhaps you say you don't believe - that when you die you just die - there is no physical evidence of an afterlife - To that I say that the rebirth of the earth and all her bounty each Spring is proof of rebirth.
What do you believe? Is it logical or is it faith? Faith is not born of logic - faith is born of life's experiences and God's miracles and answered prayers. Faith is nurtured and grows as one lives their beliefs, learns their life's lessons, and lives accordingly.
Perhaps all the various religious writings and books, the myths and stories of ancient Gods and Goddesses, angels and demons should all be put together. If all the different translations were actually put into one translation of the exact writings, and all Indian and Aztec and Greek and Egyptian, etc., and were all combined into one story -maybe there would be one book of life with many different chapters.
God, Gods, Goddesses, Angels, Demons, Spirits and Life - my Bible tells me there are other Gods besides Him who is named Jehovah. He tells me not to take another God before him. My Bible tells me of Angels and Demons, of Spirits, of witchcraft and monsters. What do you believe?
Are you thinking yet?
What Do You Believe?
So many different beliefs, stories, myths, history and questions. We all believe in something. Our world and it's constant fascination with the occult and witchcraft, vampires and werewolves, demons and angels at war, myths of Zeus and Poseidon, stonehenge and pyramids, Aztec's and Nostradamus, we show the ideas and beliefs of their actual possibility are flickering somewhere within.
Everyone believes in something. Perhaps there is something in everyone's religion and beliefs that in actuality might show they are all bits and pieces of ONE - Is it possible each is just it's own chapter in a much bigger book of life!?!
If we believe in a hereafter and an afterlife of any kind - then we must also believe there is only one hereafter that we all believe in! There isn't a different one for each religion - there is only one - I don't care if you believe in your spirit coming back or that St Pete will meet you at the gate or if you believe you will burn in fiery hell - it is one and the same - it is from the point of death to your body that your soul advances to a hereafter point -
My Bible is comprised of ancient writings from the libraries of the Pope of the Catholic Church and were commissioned to be put together as a Bible by King James, which is why it is called The King James Version. They went through innumerable ancient writings and chose which writings they wanted to include in the Bible and which they would leave out! An example would be the writings concerning Jesus as a child.
Other writings which were not included are "The Dead Sea Scrolls", writings contained in the Catholic Bible, the Hebrew Bible, and other religious books. Some of the writings in these books are actually different translations of the same actual writing.
Leaders of Religions teach these books and just as society in a whole has evolved and changed over the years, so have religions - evolution in teachings for daily living, but basics always remain the same. Do you have faith that you are learning your life's lessons and living your life here to secure a better afterlife for your soul? Or are you not feeding your soul and your faith? Are you letting your spirit wither and harden in preparation for an afterlife of hell?
Perhaps you say you don't believe - that when you die you just die - there is no physical evidence of an afterlife - To that I say that the rebirth of the earth and all her bounty each Spring is proof of rebirth.
What do you believe? Is it logical or is it faith? Faith is not born of logic - faith is born of life's experiences and God's miracles and answered prayers. Faith is nurtured and grows as one lives their beliefs, learns their life's lessons, and lives accordingly.
Perhaps all the various religious writings and books, the myths and stories of ancient Gods and Goddesses, angels and demons should all be put together. If all the different translations were actually put into one translation of the exact writings, and all Indian and Aztec and Greek and Egyptian, etc., and were all combined into one story -maybe there would be one book of life with many different chapters.
God, Gods, Goddesses, Angels, Demons, Spirits and Life - my Bible tells me there are other Gods besides Him who is named Jehovah. He tells me not to take another God before him. My Bible tells me of Angels and Demons, of Spirits, of witchcraft and monsters. What do you believe?
Are you thinking yet?
Just Me Granny D
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