Saturday, March 24, 2012

God, Adam and Lilith

God created Adam in the likeness of himself, from the dirt of the earth and breathed life into him.  Once done with Adam, God decided Adam needed a help mate and he created Eve from Adam's rib.  That is what is commonly taught to most people.  But, there is another story about the creation of man told by ancient texts that many people do not know, others know and don't believe, and still others know and believe.  The story of God, Adam and Lilith is told in many different scrolls and texts.

Lilith was Adam's first helpmeet, but she was a demoness.  The story of Lilith's creation and her creations is told very well at The Lilith Myth .  The writer on this page and article does an excellent job of describing this demoness and all the demons she spawned throughout the earth.  He tells of her deal with God to be able to claim a number of babies every year and how to protect one's babe from Lilith.

The same story of Lilith also tells of three angels God sent to fetch Lilith.  The angels were called Senoy, Sansenoy, and Semangelof.  The books telling of the beginning of time and creation tell us God is an alien who created Adam from dust and water making clay, much as we make and model clay, but he was able to breathe life into his clay creation.  They tell us Adam had a couple different demoness helpmates before he was given Eve whom was created from a rib from Adams side.

The stories and writings of the ancient ones speak of God, angels, demons, Adam and Lilith.   They tell of where and how there were others on earth for coupling and beginning of populating the earth in various regions. Humans (Adam and Eve), Demoness and Demons, Angels and others.

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