Heaven is portrayed to us in the Bible and in our churches as being a beautiful, serene, and miraculous place where God, Jesus and the Angels live and where our loved ones will once more be together. Most all of the world's religions teach us of a peaceful, loving Great Beyond. Little is taught about war in Heaven!
How much time is spent telling us what a loving and merciful God there is and how wonderful life in Heaven will be when we reach the golden shore of the Great Beyond - Heaven? Don't get me wrong. I truly believe in God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost! I know in my heart and soul that their is a Heaven and a Hell! I can attest as only a few can that there is definitely life after death and our spirits don't die ( that will be a future blog). My point is, while we are all constantly told of the great, miraculous and wonderful, seldom are we told of the wars in Heaven, the reasons for the creation of Earth, Hell and mankind, or studied about the war in Heaven between Jehovah and Lucifer!
Questions come to mind when I read that Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us. Does that mean that he and Jehovah and the true Angels of God are rebuilding Heaven from the war? Is the war the reason Earth was created? Perhaps Earth was created as a place for the inhabitants of Heaven to have a place to go to flee the aftermath of a major war until Heaven was rebuilt - perhaps mankind was created to one day help replace the population of Heaven which the war decimated.
We are taught that besides being a loving and merciful God, that Jehovah-God the Father is a just yet vengeful God. "Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord". He is our creator as well as the creator of life's laws, just as he is the final judge of our life's deeds, obedience and spiritual learning of life's lessons. He proclaims that which we through life's actions here on Earth have determined our very soul's eternity to be. Yet before that day of final judgment, God does exact retribution for sins committed while still living in our earthly body.
Karma is a commonly used word for 'what goes around, comes around' or for God exacting retribution and showering blessings.
The final war between God and Lucifer, saints and sinners, angels and demons, the wicked and the righteous is foretold to be going to happen here on Earth. Specific signs of the impending War of all Wars, Armageddon, is given to us so that we will be prepared for what is to come. Those signs are apparent in today's world - they are current and accurate as foretold. So is mankind prepared and ready for the War of all Wars which originated as a War in Heaven to advance to Earth for it's final battle of all battles? Are we ready to see our loving God exact his retribution and vengeance upon Lucifer and his demons and the wicked and sinning unbelievers and mockers? For many it will be Heaven's War concluding here on Earth which will be their first believable experiences of God, while for many others they will miss that final battle and be greeted at Heaven's Gates by a loving, forgiving, merciful and fair Creator and Father.
I wonder how many battles between God and Lucifer actually happened in Heaven before it escalated to the point that Jehovah created Earth, and kicked Lucifer with his demon followers out of Heaven? How bad was Heaven destroyed by war? Just wondering. Looking at photos of the aftermath of mankind's wars and battles here on Earth makes me wonder about the aftermath and destruction created by a war between angels and demons, God and Lucifer. After all, we are told that Armageddon will bring about the destruction of Earth!
Are you thinking yet?